
Opinion: Trump’s troubling Twitter feed helps explain why the world doesn’t take him seriously

President Trump's Twitter feed on April 3, 2017.
(J. David Ake / AP)
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To the editor: On the day before he is to appear on the world’s largest stage, with so many pressing problems and important issues at hand, such as North Korea’s growing nuclear threat, fires, floods, hurricanes and complete destruction at home, the fate of hundreds of thousands of “Dreamers,” the budget, healthcare and on and on, President Trump chooses to focus on his still-perceived nemesis, Hillary Clinton, and tweets another completely bizarre, infantile and inappropriate message, a doctored video of him striking Clinton in the back with a golf ball and knocking her down. (“Trump crosses yet another line on Twitter days before U.N. address,” Sept. 17)

Trump aides and supporters again brush off this outrageous behavior that demeans the presidency and our country, describing this as a joke.

You, Mr. President, are considered a joke by the rest of the world. Every day I think we cannot fall further from grace, and every day you, Mr. President, prove me wrong.


Wendy Graf, Los Angeles


To the editor: Because of Clinton’s decisive 2.9-million margin of victory in the popular vote, Trump seems unceasingly haunted by the fact that he holds the highest office in the land against the will of the people. This unalterable fact seems to stalk him in the silent morning hours when there is no business to distract him, and his need to one-up the late-night jokes and the history books yet to be written about his presidency becomes irresistible.

Hence, the compulsive tweeting.

It should be obvious that this nation has a serious problem that requires care and ongoing attention for the next three-plus years.


Jacqueline Kerr, Los Feliz

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