
Readers React: We’ve studied the WaterFix protect for years. It’s time to build it, not sue over it

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To the editor: I agree with Jacques Leslie — the language in my bill is indeed intended to blow up the roadblocks built by radical environmentalists who desperately want to kill a project that will provide a clean, reliable water supply for 25 million Californians.

The California WaterFix is one of the most scrutinized infrastructure projects in our state’s history. Since 2006, California and federal agencies have been studying options for improving the water flows through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to the State Water Project and Central Valley Project. More than 600 briefings, public meetings and working groups have been held, and more than 30,000 public comments have been considered. More than 50,000 pages of environmental documents have been prepared.

It’s wrong to say my provision is an end-around the environmental process when all this work has already been completed. We have done this before: In the early 2000s, with the support of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Congress exempted the All American Canal lining project from judicial review. More recently, the city of Sacramento had no problem exempting a sports arena from environmental reviews.


The opponents of WaterFix are happy to fuel inaction to stop the project and cripple our state’s water infrastructure. It is time to stop squabbling and suing.

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Corona)



To the editor: At the very least, Calvert has tried to subvert states’ rights (in this case, his own state) by eliminating judicial review with his partisan bill to grab more water from Northern California via Gov. Jerry Brown’s water tunnels under the Delta.

Attention, Sens. Feinstein and Kamala Harris: You should not allow this to stand.

Kennedy Gammage, San Diego

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