
Trump thanks GOP for tweet highlighting his donation to Harvey relief efforts

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Sept. 7 Reporting from Washington

Trump thanks GOP for tweet highlighting his donation to Harvey relief efforts

President Trump thanked the Republican National Committee for a tweet highlighting his personal donation to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

The president and First Lady Melania Trump are donating a total of $1 million to a dozen organizations involved in Harvey relief work, including the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity, the White House announced Wednesday.

The White House said the donations are coming from the president’s personal funds.

Harvey slammed into the Gulf Coast of Texas on Aug. 25 as a Category 4 hurricane. It was soon downgraded to a tropical storm but lingered for days, dropping up to 50 inches of rain on Houston and the surrounding area before moving eastward to Louisiana. Homes and roads spent days underwater.

The White House first said last week that Trump wanted to make a donation, and sought suggestions from journalists on where he should contribute.

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