
Brushes with Lincoln assassination, Dred Scott decision

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Regarding “They’re All Players in Lincoln’s Story,” April 12: The Travel section left out a great exhibit on Lincoln at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. It tells about the assassination, but especially shows how it was covered by the press.

The New York Herald published seven editions from the first bulletin to the unfolding of the plot, through Lincoln’s lingering to his death and the release of the assassin’s name.

Copies of all seven editions are on display, along with papers that got things wrong, such as a premature story saying the perpetrators had been arrested.


Jean Stapleton

Los Angeles


I could absolutely relate to the opening sentence in which Scott Martelle writes, “There’s nothing quite like wandering around the spot where a historic event occurred to help the imagination grasp how it all unfolded” [“Honest Appeal,” April 12]. Years ago, I was on a business trip in St. Louis and took time to visit the site where the famous Dred Scott slavery case was tried. Suddenly, something that had been a boring elementary school lesson took on new meaning, and I could faintly imagine real people embroiled in arguments that would be ingrained in our national history. It gave me greater appreciation.

Phillip Hain


Child air safety

The emphasis of the April 12 “More for Your Money” article by Eric Rosen [“Parent’s Lap Isn’t a Free Seat”] was cost. What is your child’s life worth? That is the true cost. Would you drive in a car with your child on your lap?


Although air travel is safer than auto travel, when there is an incident, be it turbulence or an accident, it can happen in an instant, without time to safely secure your child. And it is almost impossible to safely hold onto a child when faced with a high-velocity emergency.

Many car seats can be used on planes; an added advantage: You’ll have it with you at your destination.

For more on this issue, please go to, which offers information on why airlines don’t endorse child safety seat legislation, but why it is so critical when planning travel with a young child.


Mary K. Dana

Manhattan Beach

Tips ease way

Regarding “Travails at LAX,” Letters, April 12: Tipping LAX employees will minimize the stress for disabled travelers and their caregivers. Tip the curbside porter $20, and your wheelchair will be expedited. When the wheelchair arrives, give the employee at least $20 and tell him or her where you want to go. The employee will enhance your journey through the airport and security to your plane.

On your return to LAX, tip the employee $20 when your wheelchair arrives at the gate. The employee will push you throughout LAX. You will be helped with your luggage, and a request for a disabled-accessible taxi will be submitted. At the end, give the employee another $20 and a gracious thank-you. Tipping can be expensive, but it is necessary.

B. Ellinoy

Manhattan Beach
