
Postal Service needs more ‘elves’ to answer letters to Santa

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Wanted: Elves to answer letters to Santa Claus from Southern California’s needy children.

The U.S. Postal Service’s Operation Letters to Santa needs more volunteers to adopt letters sent by low-income children asking Santa for coats, food, clothes, shoes and other gifts.

Elves choose a letter and return it to the post office so workers can deliver the reply and gift to the child’s family.

The program, in its 101styear, answers letters nationwide, with 17 branches participating this year, according to its volunteer website, In 2011, 75 branches participated; in 2012, 25 branches offered letters.


“I been a good girl. I go to school. I am 4 year old. Please send me some toys, clothes size 7-8, shoes size 12,” one letter posted to the site reads.

Another girl asks for a doll for her niece, shoes for her little cousin, “something Tinkerbell” for her little sister and a CD player for herself.

“Santa please don’t forget about me this year. Thank you. Bye,” the letter ends.

Each year, postal workers read the letters and separate out those which appear to be from the families most in need. Elves then read through the letters and select the ones they would like to adopt. Children’s home addresses are removed and replaced with a number to protect families’ privacy.


The final three days to volunteer are Tuesday, Thursday and Dec. 17, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the following post offices: 7001 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles; 3101 W. Sunflower Ave., Santa Ana; 28201 Franklin Pkwy., Santa Clarita.


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Twitter: @Sam_Schaefer
