
Climate change threatens California and the world, Jerry Brown says

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Gov. Jerry Brown continued to sound the alarm about climate change on Monday, saying people need to find a way to “live with nature” and “not to collide with it.”

“We have to adapt,” he said. “The climate is changing. There’s no doubt.”

Brown’s speech, at a Sacramento event organized by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, touched on deforestation in Brazil and the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet.

He also discussed the challenge of pushing mass transit in California, where 38 million residents drive almost 1 billion miles per day.


“We can’t do this overnight,” he said.

Brown has repeatedly called attention to the dangers of climate change, including an increasing number of wildfires and the persistent drought.

Still, he has managed to disappoint some environmentalists who want the governor to ban fracking, a controversial method of oil extraction. Protesters gathered outside the building where Brown spoke Monday, waiving signs and changing, “Climate leaders don’t frack!”
