
A friendly wager: Rep. Schiff sings the blues after Dodgers lose

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A deal is a deal, and that’s why U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) took to the House floor to fulfill his end of a baseball bargain with U.S. Rep. Steve Israel (D-New York) by singing “Meet the Mets.”

The two congressmen had placed a friendly wager on which of their hometown baseball teams — Schiff’s Los Angeles Dodgers and Israel’s New York Mets — would advance to the National League Championship Series.

The Mets took the series, 3-2.

In addition to wagering a local treat from each district — Schiff bet gourmet popcorn from Pauline’s Premier Sweets in Burbank, and Israel wagered New York bagels flown in fresh — the loser also agreed to wear a tie featuring the winning team and give a one-minute speech on the House floor “extolling the virtues of the team moving on to the next playoff round,” according to a news release.


On Friday, Schiff donned a Mets tie and gave his speech on the House floor, first explaining that the Mets had beaten the Dodgers in the division series.

“I will have no interest in extending my remarks,” Schiff said. “I lost a bet with Congressman Israel, so now, Steve, this song is for you.”

Schiff then began his rendition of the New York team’s fight song, “Meet the Mets.”

“Mr. Speaker, please tell me my time is expired,” Schiff quipped several verses in.

He ended by saying he was thankful the Mets had advanced to the World Series instead of the New York Yankees.


Ryan Fonseca writes for Times Community News.
