
Pushing energy plan, Obama calls U.S. ‘Saudi Arabia of natural gas’

President Obama speaks after touring the Conveyor Engineering & Manufacturing plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Wednesday.
(Jewel Samad / AFP/Getty Images)
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President Obama declared the United States the “Saudi Arabia of natural gas” Thursday as he plugged an energy policy that would offer incentives to companies that power their vehicles with natural gas.

Speaking to a crowd at a UPS facility here, Obama praised the company for being among the first to respond to an administration call last year to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

“That’s how they roll,” Obama said of UPS.

The remarks come as the White House is rolling out more details of its energy proposals, which administration officials call the “all of the above” plan for reducing reliance on foreign oil.


Officials on Thursday also announced an oil and natural gas lease sale in the central Gulf of Mexico, scheduled for late June. The lease will open about 38 acres in the gulf for development.

They’re also talking about new policies to promote the use of natural gas, in part through tax incentives for companies that promote the use of the fuel.
