
Sheriff: Slashing suspect fantasized about attack since childhood

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HOUSTON -- A Texas man being held in connection with a Tuesday stabbing that injured 14 at a Houston-area community college told investigators he had been fantasizing about such an attack since he was 8 years old, officials said.

Dylan Quick, 20, was being held without bond Wednesday and cooperating with investigators, Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia said during a briefing with Lone Star College officials at a detention facility near downtown Houston.

Garcia said Quick, who was a student at the Lone Star CyFair campus about 30 miles northwest of Houston, had been “matter of fact” in describing the attack, “very forthcoming” and cooperative in responding to questions.


“He has been planning this event for some time,” Garcia said.

The sheriff said Quick was hearing impaired, and a spokeswoman added that Quick had a cochlear implant, but it was not clear whether he had been teased for being different or bullied, they said.

“The victims appear to be randomly selected,” Garcia said.

Of those injured, a dozen were initially hospitalized, some in critical condition, but seven were released overnight and none remained critical Wednesday, Garcia said.

Investigators recovered the weapon used in the attack, which Garcia described as a “razor utility knife,” as well as another knife in his backpack. They seized Quick’s backpack, computer and other items from his home, and were investigating a tip called in by a “concerned citizen” Tuesday the attack may have been discussed beforehand in an online chat room, Garcia said.


The attack, which was reported to 911 at 11:13 a.m., was videotaped by campus surveillance cameras, and Quick was caught by campus police within minutes, Garcia said.

Quick had worked at the campus library for the last year, and was well liked by staff and professors on the 7,000-student campus, according to Lone Star CyFair President Audre Levy.

“There are no signs that he was a problem student,” Levy said. “The library staff had fond things to say about him.”


Officials said they could not say whether Quick had sought mental health treatment.

Library staff declined comment Tuesday.

Levy said the Lone Star system, which includes six campuses serving 90,000 students, is considering reinforcing and adding security. In January, several people were injured during a shooting at another Lone Star campus north of Houston.

“We have ongoing drills and practices for these type of situations,” Levy said, adding that she visited with students who returned to class Wednesday and they were “adapting quite well.”

Quick is charged with three counts of aggravated assault, based on three of the stabbing victims’ accounts, officials said, and is due to appear in court Thursday.


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