
U.S. is optimistic about admitting more Iraqi refugees

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Times Staff Writer

State Department officials, who have been harshly criticized for moving too slowly in allowing Iraqi refugees into the U.S., issued new immigration figures Wednesday and suggested they may reach a goal of admitting 12,000 refugees this fiscal year.

Government figures show that 2,627 Iraqis have been cleared to enter the country since Oct. 1. An additional 5,000 have been approved for entry within the next three months, and 8,000 more have been contacted for interviews.

“The numbers that have arrived so far are well below the number we expect to see in the coming months,” said James Foley, the State Department’s coordinator for Iraqi refugee issues.


To reach the Bush administration’s goal, 9,373 more refugees must be admitted by the end of September.

The administration did not meet its 2007 goal and pledged to increase efforts after disclosure last year of an internal message written by Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, criticizing the Department of Homeland Security for not processing visas more quickly.

Between 2003 and 2006, about 5,000 of the estimated 2 million Iraqis who fled their country came to the United States, fueling criticism by advocacy groups and lawmakers. Advocates have expressed particular concern for Iraqis targeted by extremists for cooperating with U.S. forces. Bush administration officials have acknowledged a moral obligation to Iraqi refugees.


The majority of displaced Iraqis are living in Syria and Jordan. Officials of those two countries have asked the U.S. to play a larger role in sharing the burden.

Foley said the 5,000 Iraqis who have been approved to enter the U.S. within three months still faced potential barriers. They must hold permits to leave their current country of residence, obtain medical clearances and complete required cultural orientation for entering the United States. Nonetheless, he expressed confidence that the September goal would be met.

He has been in the Middle East and Europe since last month seeking funds to provide aid to displaced Iraqis. The U.S. government, which in February contributed $125 million to the cause, supplies a third of such aid for Iraqis displaced within their country and around the world, he said.


European countries were wary of offering new aid, citing the small financial contribution from the Iraqi government, Foley said.

Arab countries were sympathetic but also said that Iraq should be doing more to meet the needs of its displaced citizens.

