
Where’s Gaza going?

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SEVERAL NEWSPAPERS focus on the situation in Gaza, but each zooms in on different aspects of the Israeli exodus. The New York Times, while acknowledging settlers’ grief, writes a “historical reality check”: Gaza was never intended for Zionist occupation when it was part of the 1949 United Nations partition and “represents the worst side of Israel’s settlement movement.” The Palestinians are past due their “chance at a better life,” the Times writes.

Elsewhere, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post try to map out what will happen next, but each looks at different actors. The Post lauds Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s resolve and hopes “he is up to the long-range [challenge] of securing a lasting peace.”

The Journal focuses on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, calling him “the man who could make the withdrawal work and stop Hamastan in its tracks.”


Now that Israel has done its part, the Journal writes, “it’s time the Palestinians follow suit” by eliminating a culture of terrorism.

In a separate editorial, the Journal again (and predictably) defends Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. This time, it’s from Democrats like Sens. Ted Kennedy and Patrick Leahy, who the Journal suspects are taking marching orders from liberal activist groups.

And at least one other editorial board today feels the West’s pain. Along with this editorial page, USA Today writes that the emergency declarations in Arizona and New Mexico should kick-start Washington into tackling illegal immigration.


Paul Thornton
