
Letters: Obama, Israel and Mideast peace

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Re “Obama’s Israel visit,” Editorial, March 19

Your editorial’s subheadline says that “the U.S. must keep pressing for a two-state solution.” I agree, but 100% of that pressure should be on the Palestinians.

There has never been a real “peace process” because the Palestinians’ goal has been the destruction of Israel. This was the Mideast Arabs’ goal (including the Palestinians’) in 1967 before any “occupation” and settlements, in 1948 when Israel declared independence after the partition of Palestine (when the Palestinians refused to declare theirs), and in 1921, when Arabs first started attacking Palestinian Jews.


A two-state solution can happen only when two sides want peace, and unfortunately, only one side has wanted peace in the Mideast: Israel.

P.J. Gendell

Marina del Rey


As a student of Jewish education, it seems reasonable to me for President Obama to travel to Israel and continue his push for a two-state solution.

Obama understands that he needs to worry less about what the right wing in America wants. His first term was beset by backlash from Republicans regarding his call for two states based on the 1967 borders and an end to Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank.

Obama knows that Mideast peace can be achieved only if America, Israel’s greatest ally, shows considerable support for a two-state solution and rejects settlement construction.


Ilan Graubart

San Diego


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