
Letters: Trouble in the foster care system

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Re “Foster care contractor’s woes spread,” April 28

The article reports the significant problems with foster care contractor Teens Happy Homes. In an audit by L.A. County years ago, this contractor was found negligent in many ways, including in the care of foster children.

Now that The Times has uncovered this travesty, two county supervisors say they are concerned and the director of the Department of Children and Family Services says he is startled. This is unbelievable.


Good management hinges on a few basic requirements: creating a plan and getting buy-in from senior people, delegating responsibilities to top managers and setting realistic goals for which the managers are held accountable.

Whom are the county supervisors holding accountable? Is there a plan in place for the DCFS, and do top managers have clear goals?

Until government engages real leaders to manage their departments, horrible situations like this one will happen time and time again.


David Radden

Playa Del Rey

I always appreciate it when The Times exposes problems with our institutions. It is important, however, that readers understand there are numerous other foster agencies in Los Angeles County that do not have such problems.


Southern California Foster Family & Adoption Agency, where I am the president and chief executive, and other reputable agencies take the protection and nurturing of children who have been abused or neglected very seriously. The best interests of the children are served when the many reliable agencies in the county provide stability and security for them.

Sylvia Fogelman

Los Angeles


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