
Roe vs. Wade Comes Under Pressure

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I’ve just finished reading the Nov. 28 editorial, “Chipping Away at Roe vs. Wade.” It’s frightening in its findings. However, even more frightening are the “hidden” implications. There are some who make no secret of the fact that Roe vs. Wade is only a starting point. Ending legal abortion is not enough. What these zealots want is to have all birth control made illegal. It is a blatant attempt to ram their religious beliefs down the throats of others, something I deeply resent.

I give no one the power to force me to accept their religious beliefs. We had that during the time of the Salem witch hunts and the Spanish Inquisition. We need to be very much on guard against these attacks on Roe vs. Wade because they hide the real truth.

This has no place in a democratic society. But then again, given the current trend, how long before we go from being a democratic society to a theocratic one? The implications terrify me.


Mark Lees

Rancho Mirage


Did it ever occur to The Times that people who are “pro-life” think that the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act will prevent discrimination by “pro-choice” devotees? It’s fine for you to say a woman has a right to choose and that shouldn’t be taken from her. However, what about the rights to hold belief in the sacredness of life from conception to natural death?

Forcing people to permit abortions in their medical facilities or employers to provide insurance coverage for abortions, tubal ligations, sex-change surgery, etc. is trampling on the rights of a very large group of people. Our recent elections give us an idea of the size of the “pro-life” contingent in the U.S.

Thomas E. Brandlin

Los Angeles


There’s no need for the Taliban to invade the U.S. We have our own Taliban-in-the-making right here at home. Brick by brick, the White House is foreclosing on the rights of women. First it’s abortion rights. Next comes sex itself, which is increasingly seen as a shadowy activity, a bit tainted. And of course, we all know who tainted it. Even the general celebration of life, rife with its exuberant, lusty tone, will soon be suspect. Fundamentalism means adhering to the law, to their law, and like good soldiers we’re marching closer every day to our own version of the Taliban.


Jerry Schaefer

Long Beach
