
Taking on Tenet

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Re “Former CIA chief Tenet rebounds against White House on Iraq war,” April 27 and “Tenet: CIA warnings went unheeded,” April 28

The April 27 article about former CIA Director George J. Tenet, someone who was an integral part at the highest level of the administration, proved that President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice lied to the American people, and that Cheney continues to try to sell the lie that there was an Iraq-Al Qaeda connection after 9/11.

However, the most damaging information in the April 28 article was the reference to the advance warning by a CIA official before 9/11: “There will be a significant terrorist attack in the coming weeks or months!” Based on this information alone, there should be an effort made to start impeachment proceedings, at the very least, against Cheney.



Beaumont, Calif.


I propose that all proceeds from Tenet’s book be donated to a fund benefiting the fatherless or motherless children of our soldiers, or the thousands of orphaned or maimed Iraqi children.

Just as we prohibit murderers or rapists from profiting from their crimes, so too should Tenet, or any other future confessors, be prohibited from profiting from complicity in this illicit war.



Redondo Beach


This self-serving swan song by Tenet is hilarious and can only happen in these United States, the bastion of capitalism.

The poor fellow had no guts to set the president and vice president straight about what he meant by a “slam dunk” case against Iraq while he was CIA director. Even now, he has no guts to tell the president that the buck stopped on the president’s desk.


Maybe it is a case of “you scratch my back and I scratch yours.” The president gave Tenet the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2004, the highest civilian award, and Tenet absolved the president of all responsibility for Iraq while blaming Bush’s servants.


