
Vacationing Kerry Reserves His Judgment on 9/11 Book

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Times Staff Writer

While the political world awaits his reaction, John F. Kerry has yet to personally respond to the charge that the Bush administration failed to heed warnings of the terrorist threat before Sept. 11, 2001.

The reason for Kerry’s silence: the new book making the claim, by former White House counterterrorism advisor Richard Clarke, has yet to catch up with the presumed Democratic presidential nominee as he enjoys a vacation here.

Since late last week, Kerry has taken a break from national politics, resting up in a wealthy enclave that doesn’t set its clock by the whims of Washington. On Tuesday morning, there wasn’t a blue suit to be found, just relaxed outdoors types heading off toward another day at the slopes.


Kerry was among them. On the final full day of his vacation, he snowboarded, along with a gaggle of Secret Service agents. As he headed for the slopes at the Warm Springs resort, the Massachusetts senator was questioned about the book and the White House’s fierce rebuttal to it.

“I don’t know anything about it,” he told reporters. “It’s my last hours, my last hours.”

He said he planned to read the book today, ) when it arrives by express overnight mail, as he returns to Washington to resume his quest for the presidency.

At Chapter One Bookstore in downtown Ketchum, employee Meg Mazzocchi said the Kerry campaign ordered a copy of Clarke’s book Monday afternoon, too late for a Tuesday overnight arrival.


Mazzocchi added that in her view, the nation’s capital could bide its time for Kerry’s comments. “Let Washington chomp at the bit for another day,” she said. “It’ll be good for them.”

Chapter One, a combination bookstore and organic juice bar in a brick, turn-of-the-century storefront, ordered 14 copies of Clarke’s book. One was for Kerry; another eight were reserved by locals.

After returning to Washington, Kerry plans to resume a hectic pace. On Thursday, he will meet with Democratic National Committee officials to coordinate campaign efforts, and he will be joined at a rally by a former rival in the party’s presidential race, Howard Dean. That night, Kerry will headline a unity dinner featuring former Presidents Carter and Clinton.


He then travels to Michigan and Missouri for campaign appearances. Next week, he will stop in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco for fundraising events.

Mazzocchi said Kerry would get the Clarke book before he boarded his Washington-bound plane around noon today.

“Nobody around here is worried about it, probably including John Kerry,” she said. “Around here, we have a saying about Ketchum time.”

She raised her wrist. “You don’t see a watch here, do you?”
