
Ann Romney takes wedding anniversary celebration to YouTube [Video]

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It’s been a good week for the Romneys. First came Mitt Romney’s big win in the Illinois primary, then an endorsement from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and now, his 43rd wedding anniversary with his wife, Ann.

“I think Mitt now will say that I dug it in really, really deep, and he’s never been able to escape the grasp that I got a hold of him,” Ann says in a special anniversary video.

The video, posted to YouTube on Wednesday, portrays a couple that came together at the age of 16, exchanged love letters during Mitt’s missionary work and convinced their parents they were ready for marriage.


Ann has increasingly become a presence on the campaign trail, with a particularly spirited introduction to the candidate during the Illinois primary victory address.

“Women are angry, they’re angry about the legacy we’re going to leave our children and their grandchildren,” she said. “And I’m going to tell them something. I’ve got somebody here that can fix it.”

With fights over abortion rights and Planned Parenthood funding taking the spotlight recently, Ann appears to be gearing up to be as important to the Romney campaign as Michelle Obama was to her husband’s presidential campaign in 2008.


And Mitt, to his credit, took to Twitter to give Ann his best wishes, sending out a wedding photo of the couple.

See the full video below.

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Ann Romney takes wedding anniversary celebration to YouTube (video)

