
Plane crash forces Romney to cancel Colorado rally

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BOSTON — Mitt Romney canceled his only campaign event of the weekend Sunday after a fatal small plane crash in Pueblo, Colo., forced a partial closure of the airport where the GOP candidate had planned to land.

Romney was scheduled to speak to supporters at an aviation museum at the airport en route to Los Angeles, where he is scheduled to speak to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Monday. Polls show President Obama with a razor-thin lead in Colorado, making it a battleground state in the presidential election.

After a campaign stop in Ohio on Friday, the Republican nominee spent Saturday in and around his home in Belmont, Mass. He and his wife, Ann, attended a grandson’s soccer game and went out to dinner with their son Tagg at an Italian restaurant owned by the son of their hairdresser.


Romney told reporters that he spent most of the day at home reading and holding meetings.

On Sunday morning, he was in more meetings at a hotel in Burlington, Mass. Aides would not describe the nature of the meetings or who else was there.

Obama also did not campaign this weekend.

The president has a celebrity-packed day scheduled Tuesday, when he is slated to attend a fundraiser in New York with Beyoncé and Jay-Z and appear on “The Late Show with David Letterman.”

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