
Paying for a place in line to hear Prop. 8 arguments

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Want a seat in the courtroom when the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments Tuesday on Proposition 8’s ban on same-sex marriage?

Reach into your wallet.

Companies that hire workers to stand in line for others are doing a brisk business as lawyers, activists and the curious try to ensure a seat in the courtroom when the long anticipated hearing begins Tuesday morning.

Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, has booked to hold a place for her in line starting at 8 p.m. Monday—more than 24 hours before the hearing starts. The cost is $36 an hour.


“The Prop. 8 requests have been bountiful,” reported John Winslow, director of

As of Thursday morning, he said his company had received about 40 requests.

“The popularity is coming close to last year’s Supreme Court Obama healthcare hearings, which were the largest in our history,” Winslow said.

The high court does not televise its hearings, though recordings will be made available on the court’s web site by about 10 a.m. PDT.


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