
‘Four more weeks’: A buoyant Romney counts down to election day

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CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio — Riffing on the “Four more years!” chant that is a fixture at President Obama’s rallies, rival Mitt Romney said Tuesday that they should be saying “Four more weeks!”

“There are 28 days before the election. I think the right chant ought to be for them, ‘Four more weeks, four more weeks.’ All right?” Romney told 12,000 supporters in a chilly outdoor rally here. They quickly picked up the cue and began chanting.

“You got the idea. You got the idea,” the GOP nominee said. “I know there’s greater and greater interest in this campaign across the country. The fact that, I don’t know, 10,000 people or more are here this evening is a testament to how much people care about this election. I know people are focusing on how the country’s going to be led going forward, and I think that’s in part because people are facing some tough times.”


The nominee appeared with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, all in good spirits at a time when Romney’s campaign has been gaining momentum after a strong debate performance.

Obama has conceded that he performed poorly in last week’s matchup, while he and his campaign have been making hay with a comment Romney made about cutting government funding for PBS. On Tuesday, they unveiled an ad featuring Big Bird until the Sesame Workshop asked them to pull it.

Republicans at the rally said that Obama’s focus on the matter showed how out of touch he is with struggling Americans.


“Folks, four years ago Barack Obama said, if you don’t have a record to run on, then you attack your opponent and you make a big election about small things,” Portman said. “Barack Obama’s latest TV ad features … Big Bird! Talk about making a big election about small things! Folks, we’re not going to let them do that, are we? We’re going to make this election about big things!”

Romney listed troubling economic indicators, including 23 million people who are unemployed or underemployed and a 15-million increase on the food stamp rolls since Obama was elected, before raising the Sesame Street character.

“A time like this for the president to get up and say, as he has over the last several days, that he’s focused on saving Big Bird is kind of a strange thing in my view because, you see, I’m focused on helping the American people get good jobs and brighter prospects,” Romney said.


Romney said he enjoyed their debate, and listed his five-point job creation plan, and concluded with an appeal to his supporters about the waning number of days until election day.

“I want you to make a commitment to me. I want you to go out there and find someone who voted for Barack Obama and get them to come join our team. This is not about one person, it’s not about a political party. It’s about our country. The soul of America is at stake,” Romney said. “This is a time we have to come together and take back America. We’re going to do it. Ohio’s going to elect me the next president of the United States.”

