
Democrats target Florida congressman over fundraising

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Washington Bureau

Eager to point out that Rep. Anthony Weiner isn’t the only congressman in hot water, Democrats are putting pressure on a Republican facing questions about campaign contributions.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Friday announced that it would be running a radio ad in Rep. Vern Buchanan’s Florida district.

Buchanan, a three-term congressman, is getting some scrutiny concerning campaign donations received from a car dealership he once owned.


The Federal Elections Commission has filed documents in anOrlando court to try to recoup $67,900 in fines from the now defunct dealership.

The FEC claims that the company funneled money from its employees to Buchanan’s campaign in “an extensive and ongoing scheme that spanned two election cycles, three calendar years and dozens of secret illegal contributions,” according to various media reports.

Buchanan has denied wrongdoing and is pointing the finger at his former business partner. Buchanan is the National Republican Congressional Committee’s vice chairman of finance.
The DCCC ad is scheduled to run for a week on four stations, committee officials said.

“His old business was caught illegally funneling over $60,000 in campaign donations to Buchanan to influence his election. Tell Buchanan to come clean,” the ad says.
