
Hastert delivers his final address

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Chicago Tribune

Delivering his farewell address to Congress, former House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert on Thursday bemoaned the “pool of bitterness” he believes exists in the nation’s capital and urged his colleagues to try to work together after he is gone.

“I continue to worry about the breakdown of civility in our political discourse,” Hastert (R-Ill.) told lawmakers. “When I addressed this chamber for the first time as your speaker, I noted that solutions to problems cannot be found in a pool of bitterness. Those words are as true today as they were then.”

Speaking to an audience that included his wife, Jean, and former House Minority Leader Robert H. Michel (R-Ill.), Hastert called upon fellow lawmakers to be passionate advocates for their beliefs but also to be “civil, open-minded and fair.”


But soon Hastert won’t be around to help with that cause. After more than two decades in Congress, he plans to step down -- probably by the end of the month, friends say -- to make way for a replacement.

Hastert, who was elected to Congress in 1986 and was House speaker from 1999 until the Democratic majority took over in January, announced in August that he would not seek reelection, though he didn’t say just when he would leave. Even without a clear deadline, Republicans and Democrats have been preparing to run for his seat in what is shaping up to be a vigorous campaign.

Hastert’s farewell Thursday suggested the likelihood of a special primary that would be held next year, possibly on Feb. 5, the regularly scheduled primary date.


Under Illinois law, the seat must be filled within 120 days of the vacancy, although Democratic Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich has the authority to set the election date.

Hastert’s address came about a year after the midterm election in which Republicans lost the congressional majority to Democrats. In the intervening months, Hastert has been spending more time with family and friends and, while entertaining offers of post-congressional employment, has slimmed down by several suit sizes.

As a relaxed and smiling Hastert took the podium Thursday, the full House rose to its feet for a lengthy round of applause. Friends and members of the Illinois delegation sat nearby to pay tribute to the man many call “Coach” -- as much for his former job leading a high school wrestling team as for his leadership style in the GOP caucus.


“My heart is still here and always will be,” Hastert told them.

He went on to quote a passage from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes as his reason for leaving. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven,” Hastert said. “So now, after 21 years of serving the people of Illinois in this House, the time has come for me to make my last speech from this podium.”

Hastert reviewed the work he wants to be remembered for, citing the creation of tax-free health savings accounts, expansion of prescription drug coverage for seniors and passage of tax-relief measures.

After his remarks, his successor as speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) hugged Hastert and hailed his service to the nation and the heartland values he brought to the speakership.

Her actions belied the bitterness that has divided Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill, particularly during the election that brought her to power and demoted him to a rank-and-file member of Congress.

If Blagojevich chooses, there could be two primaries on Feb. 5 for Hastert’s seat: one for the short-term vacancy, and one for the term that begins in January 2009. Just as for the regular primary, candidates would have to file petitions to be included on the special primary ballot.
