
Baby Abducted by 2 Women Who Had Tried to Buy Him

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From a Times Staff Writer

A 6-week-old boy was kidnapped Monday in South Los Angeles by two women who police said had earlier tried to buy the baby from his mother.

Devon Calloway was last seen by his mother, 17-year-old Dominique Calloway, about 2 p.m. in front of her home in the 100 block of West 42nd Street. That is when the alleged kidnappers sped away with him, Calloway said at a news conference Monday night.

Calloway told police that she first saw the two women Saturday in front of a nearby grocery store; they offered her $6,000 for Devon. She told police she did not take the money but accepted a ride home, said Det. Maria Rivas of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Newton Division.


The two women returned Monday and again offered money, Calloway said. She said she did not agree to the deal but brought out the child for the women to hold. Then one of the women started the car; Calloway said she reached in to get her son but was pushed away.

The driver of the car was described as a 43-year-old woman with a possible last name of Williams. She was wearing a black tank top and had straight-weave hair and crooked teeth.

The passenger was described as a woman in her early 30s, wearing a black T-shirt and black scarf. Both women are African American.


Devon, who is African American, has a dark birthmark on his right leg and a light spot on his forehead. He was last seen wearing a red shirt and shorts.

Anyone with information is asked to call police at (323) 846-6576 or (323) 846-6547.
