
Israeli settlements and peace prospects

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Re “Paying for Israel’s makeover,” Opinion, May 22

The American taxpayer has been footing the bill for Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land to the tune of $3 billion to $5 billion per year. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, the annexation of occupied territory is illegal. In the interest of peace, every single Israeli settlement on Palestinian land should be dismantled immediately.

And in the interest of justice, Israel should repay American taxpayers for every dollar that was misappropriated into this illegal venture. Justice also dictates that those Palestinians who were illegally dispossessed of their land should receive compensation from Israel as well.

For Gershom Gorenberg to suggest that Americans should now pay Israelis to return stolen land to its rightful owners takes considerable chutzpah.



Newport Beach


If aliens were to land on Earth and read all of the articles, editorials and letters concerning Israel and Palestinians, they might conclude that the main obstacle to world peace is Israel’s settlements.


The key to peace is the elimination of the religious fanatics and the ruthless, self-serving dictators who are willing to sacrifice innocent lives to promote their own hate-filled agendas. If all of the settlements were to be removed tomorrow, do you really believe the suicide bombings would end?

It’s high time the Israel bashers come to terms with their own prejudices and face reality. Israel is a country that seeks only what most peace-loving nations seek: the right to be left alone and live in peace with its neighbors.


Beverly Hills
