
Wounded in battle, scarred at home

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Re “Outrage and apologies over care at Walter Reed,” March 6

Your report on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center is heartbreaking. Reading about the ex-Halliburton official who cut Walter Reed’s maintenance and operations staff from 300 to 100, and the Army’s refusal of disability payments to the returning soldier with bipolar disorder, made me cry out.

What kind of person cannot be outraged? The buck stops for President Bush the same place as it did for Harry Truman. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be run out of town on the same rail. Impeachment alone won’t suffice. Instead of just listing their “high crimes and misdemeanors,” can Congress find anything this bunch has done right?


West Hollywood



While the administration castigates any who oppose the war as not supporting our troops, the Bush-Cheney-Halliburton cabal denies benefits to our wounded servicemen and women and prepares them for a future of homelessness by acclimating them to life among roaches and rats.


Newport Beach



Soldiers and fetuses receive this administration’s undying support and grandstanding lip service until they’re no longer politically useful -- the soldier by being wounded, the fetus by being born. Then both are kicked to the curb mercilessly, having no more political value.


Los Angeles
