
Readers React: What we can do about hot weather

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Re “Too darn hot,” Opinion, May 1

Meghan Daum is so right to suggest that Southern Californians go get some extra water before heading outdoors.

But where are we going to get that water? Drought is only one result of carbon-caused global warming. Scientists also point to the storms and flooding we’ve been experiencing across the country.


Obviously, these changes represent more than an image crisis. Action, not whining, is required to deal with them.

Defeating denial is our first challenge; then we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and support the development of clean, renewable energy. And then policymakers can help cities and states prepare for the drought, flooding and weather extremes to come.

Lynn Smith


Newport Beach

I have been meaning to write this letter for some time, but Daum’s column spurred me to action.

Would someone please explain to me why all outdoor parking lots in Southern California, where the abundant sunshine can make for some very warm weather, are not equipped with solar panels?


Not only would substantial electricity be generated, but the panels would also provide shade for our cars. Thus, we would need to run our car air conditioners a little less to cool down a car that has been sitting in the hot sun.

Where is the downside in this?

Joanne McBirney

La Crescenta
