
Letters: What iPads can’t do for L.A. Unified

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Re “Scrap the iPads, keep the pianos,” Opinion, Oct. 25

Not only does Jeff Lantos speak truth to iPads, he knows that a classroom is a hollow experience without an effective, creative and keenly devoted teacher — you know, like Lantos, whose article should be distributed to all teachers and parents.

I bet they will smile and nod at the mention of dance, drama, art and music effectively used in the classrooms they may remember.

As a recently retired teacher of 38 years, I am still excited to see the wondrous things that happen when children are in the classroom of an exciting educator.


Janice Segall


Bravo to Lantos.

I am a retired fifth-grade teacher who understood the pros and cons of the new technologies infiltrating my classroom. The “educational fun” and interaction that brought life to the curriculum was being forced out, and the No Child Left Behind law certainly didn’t help.


Let’s hope that the powers-that-be will read and digest Lantos’ wise thoughts.

David B. Housh


Lantos is a visionary. The songs he’s teaching his students will stay in their memories and hearts long after the tsoris of dead batteries, smashed screens and, yes, even theft of high-tech gadgets.


His method — starting each day with 15 minutes of singing and dancing — is the best way to keep the music playing. Plus, pianos are seldom stolen.

Joan Arndt

North Hollywood


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