
Letters: Arizona governor did the right thing

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Re “Divisive Arizona bill vetoed,” Feb. 27

The vetoed Arizona anti-gay bill — which would have had allowed business owners to deny services to gays and lesbians — may have been more about intolerance and vindictiveness than it was about religion. Still, I will never understand the GOP’s knee-jerk homophobia.

Nevertheless, I am pleased that Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed the discriminatory measure, which could have turned Arizona into a pariah state. Indeed, it’s been an uphill battle for gays and lesbians, along with other minorities.

It is my sincere hope that one day justice will prevail with equality for all.

JoAnn Lee Frank


Clearwater, Fla.

I have a solution for those business owners in Arizona who might be disappointed that they cannot legally refuse to serve gays and lesbians because of their religious beliefs: They have a 1st Amendment right to proudly post a sign indicating that had the morally repugnant legislation been enacted, they would have refused to serve gay customers.

This way, not only gays and lesbians but also enlightened, tolerant and compassionate people who have a regard for human rights could easily identify establishments run by the mean-spirited religious right and refrain from supporting them.


George M. Kornievsky




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