
Readers React: Bobby Shriver’s expensive campaign

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Re “Kennedy kinship has a double edge for Bobby Shriver,” April 16 and “Shriver decries spending limits,” April 14

It takes just one candidate with a lot of personal wealth to rid an election of any hope for an open and truly democratic race. This pertains to Bobby Shriver of the Kennedy family, who has opted out of the $1.4-million spending limit in the race for the 3rd District seat on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

The race for L.A. County supervisor is one of the remaining major contests that has a voluntary restriction on spending that candidates respect. Shriver said the law is unrealistic and wants to contest it. The $1.4-million limit is unrealistic only when you have plenty of your own money to spend in a campaign, as Shriver does.


I hope fairness prevails and Shriver has a change of heart, allowing other candidates with limited funds a fair chance at running for office.

Frances Pin

Marina del Rey


If Shriver doesn’t want to be known as just another Kennedy, he should comply with the voluntary contribution limits and stop using Kennedy riches to fund his campaign.

Shriver has truly done good things in this world, but as a politician (and my former mayor), he can’t run on his record because it isn’t very impressive. All he can do is try to buy his way onto the Board of Supervisors.

Kay Gilbert


Manhattan Beach

As a Santa Monica resident who follows city politics closely, let me say that Shriver was unfailing in casting his City Council votes on behalf of the best interests of residents and not as an entrenched politician. He was not afraid to stand alone.

Reflecting the best interests of citizens is what we need most in our political leaders.

Mary Kay Gordon

Santa Monica


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