
Earthquake threat is real

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Re “Tunnel plan’s shaky frame,” Column, Dec. 16

George Skelton concludes that there is no real earthquake threat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta after speaking with Bob Pyke, an engineer and fierce Bay Delta Conservation Plan opponent, and one other engineer.

Coming to this conclusion after speaking with these two people is not surprising.

What is surprising, however, is that Skelton did not include commentary from other experts, such as those from the U.S. Geological Survey, UCLA, UC Berkeley or UC Davis who have studied this issue extensively and have found that the threat of a major earthquake crumbling delta levees is very real.

Such an event could result in saltwater contaminating the drinking supply of 25 million Californians and the irrigation water for millions of acres of farmland.


The state will continue to work to maintain levees, but it’s important to modernize the delta water delivery system to ensure that we have a secure supply for the future.

Terry Erlewine

The writer is the general manager of State Water Contractors, a nonprofit association of 27 public agencies that purchase water under contract from the California State Water Project.
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