
Can California take the politics out of a public office?

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Is it possible to have a truly nonpartisan state office in California? Assemblyman Jeff Gorell (R-Camarillo) proposed this week making the job of secretary of state a nonpartisan position. Currently, candidates cite a party affiliation, and the seven candidates now running for the job include Democrats and Republicans, along with a Green Party member and an independent.

Gorell didn’t cite any specific incidents of partisan dealings in the secretary of state’s office, which oversees elections and processes campaign finance and lobbying disclosures. But the specter of the 2000 presidential election and the seemingly political decisions made by then-Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, a Republican, hangs over the office.

In theory, the job of secretary of state should be a nonpartisan office. As former Assemblyman Fred Keeley told The Times, “There should not be even the suggestion that someone with partisan motives has their finger on the scale while overseeing our elections.”


It’s a good concept and certainly worth exploring, but the skeptic in me wonders if it’s possible to make any statewide office truly nonpartisan -- particularly when California has term limits and politicians constantly plot their next job in order to stay in office.

Just because the post of secretary of state would be a nonpartisan office doesn’t mean partisan candidates wouldn’t run for the job, or that their party leanings wouldn’t influence the leadership of the person in office. If, heaven forbid, we ever have a Florida-like recount situation in California, would a politically ambitious or loyal Democrat or Republican really ignore party ties because the office is nonpartisan?

Will making the secretary of state post nonpartisan increase the chance for an independent or third-party candidate win? Maybe, but probably not -- because winning statewide office takes money and name recognition that established party candidates have. What’s the practical effect?


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