
Readers React: Oregon’s gripes about Californians are a familiar tune

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To the editor: Ah yes, the old “don’t Californicate Oregon.” That was the saying back in the 1970s, when I moved to Eugene, Ore. (“What do you get if you map coming climate disasters? Hello, Pacific Northwest,” Op-Ed, Dec. 29)

Then, Oregonians wanted nothing to do with “outsiders” but welcomed anyone wealthy who wanted to move there. At the time, Oregon’s thriving economy consisted of grass seed farming, sheep and the logging industry.

As Reaganomics took hold and interest rates skyrocketed, housing starts plummeted, causing Oregon and Washington state’s lumber industry to collapse. Many jobless Oregonians left for California — the same state they made fun of (you should have seen what a dump Portland was before “outsiders” cleaned it up and infused money into it).


Now that Oregon has a wine industry financed with California dollars and a robust computer technology industry that came from the south, the ex-Californians and others who now call themselves Oregonians are once again whining how California is infringing on their resources.

Jason Belsky, Van Nuys


To the editor: Having lived in Tacoma, Wash., from 1984 to 2000, I can attest to the “Caliphobia” (a term I coined ) that grips the region. It took much effort to stifle the belly laughs when hearing complaints about population growth. As a native San Diegan, my heart bled for them.


Like the weather, many folks there are gray and humorless — full of themselves, yet suffering from an inferiority complex. Fortunately for them, I haven’t noticed any “Oregon or bust” signs on the back of moving vans here.

David Ross, San Diego

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