
Readers React: The anti-union dream: kneecapping labor and empowering corporations

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To the editor: There are several perplexing statements by Daniel DiSalvo in his op-ed article. (“Supreme Court could dent the power of public sector unions,” Opinion, Jan. 8)

He references “a one-time vote to unionize, ” yet unions can be voted out of their representation duties by membership. It’s called decertification, and it does happen, with the Pasadena City College faculty being an example.

He states that “a majority can compel everyone to accept a union as their agent in collective bargaining.” Most Americans would refer to the concept of majorities compelling everyone via an election as “democracy.”


About the 2010 Citizens United case, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) stated that he was “disappointed by the decision of the Supreme Court and the lifting of the limits on corporate and union contributions” for political elections. DiSalvo wants to do away with labor’s influence on politics but maintain corporate influence, making the closing statement of his piece that the Supreme Court has the “opportunity to restore some balance” laughable.

Bob Fey, Orange


To the editor: Union activists who disagree with DiSalvo should consider how they’d feel being forced to pay into an organization that funded conservative politicians and causes they vehemently disagreed with.


Like the mob’s bat-wielding bullies of the past, today’s unions have been hijacked by corrupt leftist thugs who sustain themselves and their radical agendas by forcing everyone to pay for them, including almost half of a membership that’s ideologically opposed.

Pat Murphy, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: DiSalvo seems to think that the Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Assn. is a 1st Amendment issue because a civil servant should not have to pay an agency fee if he or she refuses union membership. Little is said about what benefits this civil servant gets even though the person is not a union member, which they don’t have to be, but pays an agency fee.


The real issue for those in civil service who oppose unionism in general and do not join the union that bargains on their behalf for wages, benefits and working conditions is one of free choice.

Few jobs in in the public sector cannot be found in the private sector. So those civil servants who feel trapped should move on and ply their trade in the private sector, where the last time I checked, unionism is moribund and receding fast.

Mark Hupf, Palm Desert

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