
Readers React: Repeal and replace Obamacare -- with Medicare for all

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To the editor: The new Republican House of Representatives has picked up where the last left off by passing a bill to repeal Obamacare. (“House passes new Obamacare repeal, directing creation of replacement law,” Feb. 3)

Unlike past repeal votes, though, this legislation includes an attempt to provide an Obamacare alternative. The bill “directs House committees to develop replacement legislation that meets 12 criteria.”

The committees need look no further than legislation introduced in the last Congress. There, they will find HR 676, which has been around since 2003 and appears to meet all the Republican criteria except one, plus it provides universal healthcare. It is known as “Medicare for All.”


One catch: The one criterion it violates is that it includes a tax instead of premiums. Though it has only three letters, “tax” is a four-letter word to Republicans, while “premium” sounds so much more friendly.

Terry De Wolfe, Monterey Park

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