
Readers React: What oil means to people in Bakersfield -- and everywhere else

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To the editor: Reading The Times’ article on the drop in oil prices’ effects on Bakersfield, where I own an oil field maintenance company, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the countless things we’re afforded because of safe, sound oil production in California. So many necessary products in our everyday lives come from it. (“Oil’s latest slump takes a heavy toll on Bakersfield,” Feb. 7)

Take a moment and think about your daily routine. That alarm clock that goes off first thing in the morning — petroleum based. The shoes you put on your feet — petroleum based. The clothing you wear — petroleum based. Do I even need to talk about your car?

I personally am grateful for what oil provides for our communities. However, I realize that a lack of education leaves some ignorant. I encourage readers to do some research of their own, using their computers that were (you got it) created using petroleum products.


Robin Brassfield-Cooper, Bakersfield


To the editor: This article was painful to read.

My father worked for Union Oil of California back in the 1950s and early ‘60s. He earned well as a petroleum engineer and provided more than a comfortable living for our family. It is sad to read about an industry that had its day and really needs to close business.

Humanity left the Stone Age not because we ran out of stones, but because we found better technologies. Same thing happened with the horse and buggy. Local governments fail their residents when they refuse to face the reality that the time for renewable energy is here. They should emulate the successful Lancaster city leaders who have embraced the opportunities these new industries offer.


Bakersfield’s oil workers need to think beyond this current slump, look to a new energy future and vote for leaders at all government levels who can get us there.

Virginia Bernal, Santa Ana

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