
Readers React: How to succeed with iPads in the classroom

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To the editor: That’s a lot of students who probably won’t be able to succeed now because of lack of technology access thanks to the Los Angeles Unified School District’s decision to cancel its Apple iPad program. Every student should have a computer for everyday work, including homework. (“LAUSD should try again on supplying computers,” editorial, Feb. 23)

Melrose Elementary School has been working on computer access for kids for years. We as parents signed an agreement to take care of our kids’ new computers.

My son’s performance at school was very good. In fact, he was invited to explain how the system works to LAUSD school principals.


If you really want to know how iPads work in education, ask the Melrose Elementary staff; they’ve been doing this for years with success.

Armando Ibarra, Los Angeles


To the editor: Teachers are the right people to decide which technology — software curriculum, paintbrush or knitting needle — is right for what and who they’re teaching on any day.


Only teachers know their students closely enough to make informed pedagogical decisions. Only a teacher can distinguish between methods that solely inform a subsequent positive intervention for a student or a time-wasting fad.

It is an educator’s right to practice the profession as he or she sees fit. If we don’t enable our teaching talent to have or acquire the information they need to further their objectives in the classroom, who will do it?

The job of district management is simply to provide the resources that teachers need. Each teacher needs a discretionary budget in order to buy the stuff necessary for the awesome work of developing each student’s highest potential.


Joan Jaeckel, Studio City

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