
Readers React: California GOP needs the Log Cabin Republicans

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To the editor: Congratulations to the Log Cabin Republicans’ California chapter for finally being recognized by the state GOP. Still, I wouldn’t get too comfortable under that big tent — Republicans being only 28% of the electorate might have a lot to do with the “why?” after all these years of nonacceptance. (“Gay group wins formal recognition from state Republican Party,” March 1)

When I was a member of the Stonewall Democrats, we got our party to adopt a gay rights plank in 1980. That was 35 years ago, and now that most of the major battles on gay rights are being won, it’s nice of the state Republicans to start catching up.

I guess the mai tais and colored leis at the Log Cabin Luaus are finally paying off — but then again, we’ve always been known for throwing a good party.


Don Foley, Hollywood


To the editor: The California GOP is simply eyeing the pot of gold at the end of the Log Cabin Republicans’ rainbow. How the Log Cabin group can accept the state GOP’s imprimatur without insisting upon the deletion of its homophobic platform plank is beyond me.

The GOP needs the Log Cabin Republicans more than the Log Cabin Republicans needs the GOP.

Ron Samuels, West Hollywood


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