
Readers React: Whatever happened the ‘blind justice’ at the Supreme Court?

President George W. Bush with newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Samuel A Alito Jr. in 2006.
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AFP/Getty)
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The piece about Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. was honestly frightening, and it left me asking, once again, why there are “conservative” and “liberal” voices on the Supreme Court. Whatever happened to “blind justice,” wherein everyone is accorded impartiality and a sense of confidence that their concerns will be fairly heard? (“Justice Alito’s vote will be key in 3 cases challenging Obama’s power,” June 7)

It seems that, in today’s Supreme Court, the law is interpreted to fit the political or religious ideology of the majority, whether or not that interpretation is either fair or constitutional. I fear that those of us who espouse neither religion nor conservative ideology might, if the need ever arises, be left with very little opportunity for redress.

Alito’s words about reining in an ever-expanding government that “towers over people” ring awfully hollow. This is, in my opinion, towering, autocratic government in its ugliest form, with little regard for either the Constitution or the common person.


Rebecca Hertsgaard

Palm Desert

Alito became my favorite justice four years ago when he was, incredibly, the only justice to dissent in the matter of animal “crush” films that show small animals being tortured to death.


While the other justices managed to see such films as some kind of protected speech under the 1st Amendment, Alito took the view of the Humane Society of the United States that the animals involved feel intense pain and suffering.

He is a true compassionate conservative, and I hope he continues to grace the bench for many years.

Patrick M. Dempsey


Granada Hills

I watched Alito’s confirmation hearings with great interest, and I remember his humble proclamation that he would honor the decisions of the great judicial minds who preceded him on the court. He also presented himself as a judge who believed in the authority of the presidential institution.

I wondered if his theoretical views would transcend his political views. Would he support the authority of a Democratic president as much as a Republican?

Since being confirmed, Alito has decimated the wisdom of court precedent with decisions like Citizens United and has sought to limit President Obama’s power.

Rather than basing some of his decisions on constitutional principles, Alito seems to be acting more like a political instrument.

David Del Bourgo


Woodland Hills
