
Readers React: Richard Martinez: an example for all

Roxanna Green, mother of Christina Taylor Green, who was shot and killed during a shooting rampage in Tucson, receives a hug from Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Michaels-Martinez was recently shot and killed during a shooting near UC San Barbara.
Roxanna Green, mother of Christina Taylor Green, who was shot and killed during a shooting rampage in Tucson, receives a hug from Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Michaels-Martinez was recently shot and killed during a shooting near UC San Barbara.
(Mark Wilson / Getty Images)
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Such an amazing person, Richard Martinez. (“Father of Isla Vista victim knows he has to keep speaking out,” June 18)

He has lost his child, shown his sorrow to all of us, met with the killer’s parents and now wants to do something about guns. This is the kind of person we need in government. Will he be able to go against the National Rifle Assn. and politicians who supposedly represent us?

Let’s get together and finally do something about this catastrophic problem in our country.


Margie Ruscica, Thousand Oaks

My son, a UC Santa Barbara student, recently returned home for the summer.

Like the thousands of parents with students there, the period of time between awareness of the shootings and contact with our son was gut-wrenching. The feeling of relief was then quickly replaced with despair over the lives lost and for those injured.

My son could have been shot. He lived just a short distance from the sorority house where two girls lost their lives. He heard the gunshots.


Tragically, nothing will come of this. This incident is already being eclipsed by several subsequent shootings. Martinez and his efforts will soon fade out.

We must demand change and vote out of office those who do not embrace the view of most Americans, which is for better control of who can possess a gun. If the killing of 20 elementary school children in Newtown, Conn., most with multiple gunshot wounds, was not enough to push for change, what hope is there for the six lives lost in Isla Vista?

Perhaps posting the pictures of the ravaged bodies would force us to face these tragedies. Apparently the mere shock of so many dead isn’t enough.


Susan Fredericks-Ploussard, Calabasas
