
Readers React: Retiring early thanks to the Affordable Care Act

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To the editor: Michael Hiltzik’s summary of the irrational opposition to the Affordable Care Act is spot-on. I have also been stunned by the groundless attacks, and for me it’s personal. (“Healthcare debate lacks factual arguments against Obamacare,” June 27)

I stopped working last year at the age of 59. My husband and I have saved enough money over the years so that I can retire; in fact, I could have retired 10 years ago, had I been able to reliably purchase health insurance as an individual, which was not possible due to preexisting conditions.

Once my COBRA insurance ends later this year, I intend to purchase health insurance via the ACA. I do not qualify for a subsidy, which is fair. At this point I expect to pay about $500 a month for a good plan, which is also fair. I simply want a decent policy that won’t penalize me for preexisting conditions.


I expect there to be glitches. But we Californians are accustomed to dealing with arbitrary rules and restrictions — as we have long-standing experience with HMOs, PPOs and the like — so I remain optimistic.

Kathy Smith, Torrance


To the editor: In the same issue that had Hiltzik’s column was an article headlined “New health plans confusing, costly.”


The problems with the Affordable Care Act go far beyond just the numbers of people now covered. As the news article details, there are problems with the implementation and administration of ACA plans.

But don’t let these issues stand in the way of Hiltzik’s “facts.”

Jim Toomey, Reseda
