
Readers React: Hobby Lobby decicion puts cracks in church-state barrier

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To the editor: We are mortal beings using material things like money and contraceptives to live responsible lives. We’re also immortal souls needing nonmaterial (spiritual) freedom to live the faith we choose. (“Supreme Court conservatives are playing a long game,” July 4)

Acknowledging this truth, Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s. Our founders understood this and wisely made clear the separation of church and state, the lack of which caused some of their ancestors to leave England in the first place.

The destruction of this separation began with the modern decision to grant corporations “personhood” with immortal souls that need spiritual freedom.


By confusing the mortal and immortal, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decisions continue to erode the separation by granting “religious freedom” and economic benefit to the few (rich corporate owners) while denying that freedom and adding an economic burden to the many (corporate workers and the poor).

Ignoring the importance of the separation of church and state leads to the tyranny our founders wanted to avoid.

Joanne Tatham, Irvine
