
Readers React: Vietnam War vets are ‘true heroes’

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To the editor: It’s not too often that something gets my “goat,” but the callous remarks made in a letter to the editor ending with the statement, “The true war heroes were those who refused to fight in the immoral Vietnam war,” did. The letter was insensitive and misinformed. (“Donald Trump, draft dodger, goes after John McCain, war hero,” Readers React, July 20)

I will not question the feelings of conscientious objectors, nor will I tarnish the memories of those who answer the call to serve. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is acting in spite of fear. Every right-thinking American knows that.

Heroes are known by their sacrifice and bravery. We owe not just gratitude to those who serve in peacetime or wartime, we owe them honor. I am privileged to have known those who lived these strengths while staring into the face of evil.


To those who return from war and those who don’t, you are our true heroes.

Jim Trinity, Glendale

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