
Readers React: GOP candidates would send women back to the 1950s

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To the editor: Until women have complete autonomy over their own bodies — including unfettered access to birth control, as well as the ongoing right to safe and legal abortions, without constant threat of having it taken away — we will continue to be second-class citizens. (“The GOP’s woman problem goes beyond Trump,” Op-Ed, Aug. 12)

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee want to shove women back into the 1950s and relegate them to the status of “baby maker” — with no exceptions.

To be truly free and equal, women should not be prisoners of their biology but rather have the means available to make their own choices and determine their own family planning without government or religious interference.


Valerie E. Weich, Glendale

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