
Readers React: See a summer movie? No thanks.

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To the editor: The article misses a major reason many people no longer go to the theater: the violence and carnage in seemingly every film made today. People are jaded. We see enough of that on the evening news. (“Hollywood’s summer slate elicits a collective yawn from filmgoers,” Sept. 2)

Hollywood couldn’t remake “Cinderella” today without using an ear-piercing argument with foul language, an endless fight scene, a wildly improbable car chase (a carriage chase?), an even more wildly improbable gun fight and of course the obligatory sex scene.

If I want to see that I can watch it on the nightly news for free.

Trent Sanders, La Cañada Flintridge



To the editor: Other industries would lower prices to attract customers if they faced a similar drop-off in attendance. Theater owners prefer to run movies to empty theaters rather than lower the admission price to an affordable $5. The few that do don’t advertise it.

I would love to visit theaters more often.

Elizabeth Wright, Marina del Rey
