
Readers React: Did Kim Davis add ‘liar’ to her resume with pope meeting claims?

Kim Davis makes a statement to the media at the front door of the Rowan County Judicial Center in Morehead, Ky., on Sept. 14.

Kim Davis makes a statement to the media at the front door of the Rowan County Judicial Center in Morehead, Ky., on Sept. 14.

(Timothy D. Easley / Associated Press)
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To the editor: First we had a backward county clerk in Kentucky proclaiming that her personal vision of God’s will should trump the decision of our nation’s highest court (and persisting in her revisionist agenda even after numerous court rulings specific to her actions). (“Rome casts doubt on Davis,” Oct. 3)

Now we have her (through legal counsel) suggesting that a tall tale of a supportive encounter with the pope should take precedence over public statements emanating from the Vatican.

In the eyes of the American people, this case of naked bigotry writ large for all to see probably advances the cause of equality as much as any


Supreme Court decision.

The fiercely defended freedoms at the core of our American identity compel us to tolerate and even respect the personal beliefs of others. But denying liberty to others in the name of religious freedom is a perversion of all the ideals we hold dear.

Brian Bennett, La Verne


To the editor: Was Kim Davis invited by the Vatican? Yes. Was this an honor and blessing for Davis? Yes.

Why was the pope’s former student and gay friend Yayo Grassi inserted into this article about Davis? Or was that meeting arranged to honor an old friend, gay or not?


I think the article misrepresented the pope’s intentions as much or more than that for which Davis is accused.

We’re all sinners who are implored by Christ to love one another. Why not leave Davis to her beliefs?

Linda Dean, Santa Ana



To the editor: Davis’ latest assertion is yet another indication of what lengths she, and those supporting her venomous views, will do to support their cause.

Now to the list of her un-Christian-like behavior can be added stretching the truth into an outright lie.

However, the unfortunate part is that despite the Vatican’s declaration about the situation, there are those who will ignore that truth because Davis’ rhetoric better suits their views.

Doris K. Reed, Los Angeles


To the editor: Why all the controversy about Davis’ meeting with the pope? It seems to me she was only going to have her confession heard. We can only hope the pontiff forgave her many sins.

Patrick Stalnaker, San Diego



To the editor: I think we can now add “liar” to Davis’ storied resume.

Gary Lasley, Pasadena

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