
Readers React: Mandatory abortion waiting period: pro and con

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To the editor: South Dakota treats women as if they were children. What if men were asked to wait 72 hours before being allowed to have a vasectomy because they might want to “change their mind”? (“Doctor goes to great lengths to keep abortion accessible,” Oct. 14)

Men wouldn’t stand for it. It would be such an extreme invasion of a man’s privacy, an extreme attack on his personhood and autonomy.

Well, men of South Dakota, fight for your girlfriends, wives and daughters to be able to avail themselves of the services of Dr. Carol Ball. Thank her profusely for her dedication to the dignity and personhood of the women you love.


Jane Roberts, Redlands


To the editor: What is wrong with a waiting period? What is wrong with educating these women about the pros and cons of having an abortion? These are common-sense rules, not right-wing, pro-life tactics.

This is what we teach our children about many decisions they are going to make in life: Stop and think about it for a while. These common-sense rules apply to many life decisions, including marriage, employment and parenthood.


Common sense is the one thing that will always lead you down the right road.

Vickie Casas, Los Angeles

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