
Readers React: Planned Parenthood shooting: Vicious rhetoric has consequences

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To the editor: The horrific killings by an American terrorist in Colorado Springs are a direct result of the hatred that has been fomented against Planned Parenthood by the Republican Party. (“Planned Parenthood shooting suspect’s statements could suggest motive,” Nov. 29)

Unhinged individuals listen to this hysteria and are then motivated to act out against Planned Parenthood. This unjustifiable vitriol serves the purpose of a wedge issue, which the Republicans use to motivate their membership to vote against Democratic candidates.

And let’s not forget that the Republican Party does all it can to make the weapons of war used in this carnage available to the public.


Bob Lentz, Sylmar


To the editor: In 1981, I was just out of college in San Diego, employed yet barely able to pay rent. Health insurance was a luxury hopelessly out of reach.

And then I got really sick. I stumbled into the nearest Planned Parenthood, got the care I needed, paid $5 and left with a bottle of medicine. For about six years, Planned Parenthood was my only doctor; it still is for many people today, even with Obamacare.


Planned Parenthood provides more than just reproductive health services. The people concerned about abortions who want to de-fund or even kill Planned Parenthood providers are woefully ignorant of how much good it does.

Until we have universal and free healthcare that includes any needed reproductive healthcare, we will continue to need Planned Parenthood — and we need to vote out politicians who don’t understand that.

Crista Worthy, Boise, Idaho



To the editor: The killings at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic are justly being denounced. The shooter should rightfully be jailed.

We must not forget, however, that the clinic is a much worse offender, for it routinely kills babies yet to be born.

G.V. Climaco, Brea

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