
Readers React: A free-market solution to boosting fuel economy

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To the editor: Daniel F. Becker and James Gerstenzang recommend that the federal government take steps to have General Motors improve its cars’ fuel economy. I say the government should avoid regulation when there are alternative free-market approaches. (“Bailed-out GM needs to rev up emissions effort,” Op-Ed, Nov. 28)

One approach would be to raise the tax on gasoline so as to restore funding to the U.S. Highway Trust Fund. This would also undoubtedly lead to the development and production of vehicles that get better gas mileage, but no one in Congress is willing to touch that hot potato.

It’s not fair to come down on one particular manufacturer when consumers enjoy its product. Rather, it’s better to support the restoration of funding to the Highway Trust Fund to initiate replacement of our sagging infrastructure.


Michael Ernstoff, Los Angeles

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