
Readers React: The less-told story of the Compton they know

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To the editor: There is good news from Compton. And I can understand the frustration from residents of this great city who have to put up with so many false perceptions and stereotypes that shift the focus away from the city’s many accomplishments, especially those regarding educational achievements.

So, ditch that question mark in your headline and give that statement the punctuation it deserves: an exclamation point! ( “Good news from Compton?” Opinion, Aug. 22)

Stan Seidel, Rancho Palos Verdes



To the editor: I want to applaud Frederick Trahan and Maria Preciado for this Op-Ed piece. As a native of Compton and a product of its schools, and a current professor at UCLA, I have long tired of the one-sided view that portrays the challenges of the city instead of recognizing the promise and potential of its youth.

A lot of good comes from Compton, and the authors do a good job of retelling our story.

Tyrone C. Howard, Los Angeles

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