
Opinion: Barbara Boxer’s transition from respected environmentalist to paid lobbyist

Poseidon Water wants to build a large seawater desalination plant on the site of the AES Huntington Beach Generating Station
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: As the president of Residents for Responsible Desalination, a grass-roots organization formed more than 13 years ago to oppose the Poseidon ocean desalination project in Huntington Beach, I can only say that the hiring of former Sen. Barbara Boxer has inadvertently become testimony to what a small group of determined citizens can do. (“Barbara Boxer will lobby for an environmentally controversial desalination plant in Huntington Beach,” April 19)

Being a 501(c)3 has meant that at no time were we to ever have more than $5,000. Poseidon has admitted to spending $1.6 million on lobbying and campaign contributions to push through this unnecessary and costly project. We are still here, and Poseidon is still “pushing.”

Boxer has now transitioned from a respected environmentalist to a paid lobbyist for a private profit-making business. Money talks.


Merle Moshiri, Huntington Beach


To the editor: As the article points out, the Huntington Beach desalination plant would kill too many fish eggs and larvae, and the process of reverse osmosis to turn saltwater into potable water is very expensive to do.

It would be cheaper to purify the fresh water that drains into the ocean from the Los Angeles River and other local sources.


Bill Simpson, Rancho Palos Verdes

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